Ryan Hollingsworth

Ryan Hollingsworth

Ryan has been with Ayers Well Drilling for 3 years and he does everything from new installs to diagnosing and troubleshooting residential systems. Kyle is married with two kids, and they also share their lives with two basset hound dogs.

Hobbies: boating, fishing, collecting and working on vintage outboard motors for boats
Past work experience:
Before coming to Ayers, I spent 12 years working in the plumbing and sewage industry

Bucket list: Go to Alaska, have a big enough collection of boats and motors to open up a museum, spend my retirement by a lake and boating and fishing every day
Favorite quote:
“Well done is better than well said” Ben Franklin
Favorite food:
Pasta with homemade sauce
Favorite things about living in Northeast Ohio:
Summertime and having access to Lake Erie and all the other lakes and rivers in Northeast ohio for boating and fishing.

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